Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Day 8 - Work till it's done

So I was outta of ideas and just about to give up for the day when this huge 'Haul out' came barrelling down the road in the opposite direction. I got some shots of Ray? emptying out the freshly cut sugar cane into the large bins. After he was done I followed him up to where they were cutting, did the usual "G'day I'm Matt, photographer etc blah so on & so forth"

I was shooting this scene with the last few inches of sun and was not happy with the results at all, so I hung around for another 45 minutes till it was dark.. Standing in a field, heavy machinery running back & forth. The first arm that you see is cutting the green leafy part off the top of the cane, then it goes in thru the cutters in the front then over into the back of the haul out driving next to the harvester via a conveyor belt. Also here, here & here.

This is my favourite photo so far.


kimbomac said...

Wow, that's a fantastic motion shot with lovely lighting and great action. You DO live in a most fascinating area!

Buff said...

Yes! It's really an amazing shot. Very dynamic and it wonderfully portrays the action at hand. Well done.

Whalelight said...

This made me gasp out loud. Perfect motion blur and I can almost see the canes falling and hear the motor humming. Superb shot, really.

eury said...

Fabulous motion portrayed here; add that to the lighting and you have a great photo

Feather Meredith said...

I am consistantly amazed by your photos. I just love the lighting in this one.

Get well soon

Andromeda5000 said...

Not something you see every day.

Hope that you're not coming down with the flu and that you feel heaps better really quickly.

Anonymous said...

Oh wow, there is motion everywhere. And the lighting is great. The only thing, I do miss the story that usually accompanies the hope you feel better tomorrow.

familie van der Linden said...

I really like this image.
It shows nice motion and it is great you can still see the guy in the vehicle.
Very well done.


purplefrog said...

Great shot - everything works together to create a lovely action shot that really shows whats happening.

givmemo said...

Love this shot!

secretatlantis said...

Impressive impressionistic shot of a working machine. I prefer this one over all the others you showed. The one light in the dark, the motion ( ;) make it a much stronger photo.