Sunday, April 22, 2007

Day 15

Halfway there - can only get better right?


kimbomac said...

Lovely lines and diagonals, although I find the slight flare in the foreground a bit distracting. But I do like how all the detailed bits are piled up on top of each other. It's like the whole thing is in a big pile.

jbowring said...

I agree with Kimbo....great lines, very busy but it works in this context. Great series so far, hang in there :D

Anonymous said...

So many lines, busy, busy, busy. You have captured a busy train station and the surrounding environment very well here. One thing I love is the way the sunlight is dancing off the tracks. And the toning is wonderful, it sums up industrial to me - dusty like. Great image.

Susan Roberson said...

I love this photo! Very nice mood it portays!

Ziaphra said...

Love the processing on this...very fitting!