This is the first house/building where I started "Jumping Fences" to explore more off the beaten track and expand my photography. Looking thru my old photos I originally visited here back in July '06 and have lost count of how many times I've been back here and a few of my W1K entries have been shot within 100 metres (300feet) of this building. Not my best capture of the old girl which looks worse and worse every time I go back, but I only did a morning shoot... So here is my pic for today.
Older pic here
Love the olde worlde feeling to it all. The mood and atmosphere you always bring to the photos you take around this place are always wonderful. Another fabulous location shot! Well done.
Great moody shot. Enhanced by it being a morning shot, in my opinion
I'm sure it's a site that offers plenty of scope for interesting photos like this one.
I love your vantage point (shooting upward) for this shot! I couldn't help but smile when I clicked on your links for prior pics, because nearly all had shades of that warm orange-y tone we found on your first two of this challenge, and I thought maybe we'd get a gallery of that, but I guess it's not to be! Love your work!
I really like the faded look of the sky, cool subject, i just can't take pictures of such places, but this is quite a nice example imho. If you go back there again and look for a bit of inspiration you maybe should check out scott kroekers gallery,
he did loads of stuff with abandoned places.
I like it. Keep up the good work. :)
This is super cool looking, I love the color!!! :D
nice toning with that deep gradient in the sky, this one's quite classic.
The have managed to capture a lovely moody image with the awesome lighting.
Nice moody old time looking shot, the toning and gradient work very well on this.
It is so fallen down it almost looks like it is being built up from the framework. You must be organised to find time to shoot before work...
I have some very old photos from the 40's...this has the very same feel to it.
Really like the Sepia tone, and the fact you kept alot of the sky in the crop. Makes the shot wonderful.
Love the whole feel of this. You did a great job capturing the details!
The sepia works really well on this one and this photo is jam packed with atmosphere.
The tones look so great in this, you've given a great atmosphere.
That place sure has character. What is that dark thing on top, is it a gray cloud?
I like your choice of color for this one.
It sets the mood perfectly.
The picture is also very sharp. well done.
I can imagine this location has potention for all kinds of shoots. I wish I dared to jump fences too but I'm afraid I'm to scared/shy/polite to actually do it.
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