Monday, September 13, 2010

Day 13 - Yet another

I'd say I'm looking up through what used to be the main window of the family lounge area.. Yet another house that has been resumed, then the local wildlife (more the 2 legged variety) have taken over. Yet another house I've seen slowly slip away, this one had been set fire to, which has cause all the roof to collapse. Yet another waste...

30 second exposure to catch the moonlit clouds speeding thru the sky, with the remains painted by torchlight.

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Day 12 - The darkside of progress

I'd spotted this place about 6 weeks ago and thought I'd go have a 1st time look for today's entry. Back when it was all in one piece this would have been a fantastic place to call home, 2 story set high on top of a hill with a large northern facing balcony (Awesome spot for photographing the summer storms rolling by). But it's been abandoned and trashed beyond repair now, all the windows pulled out and sold for scrap, floorboards ripped up and slowly on it's way to looking like 'Day 3'. Some smart cookie bought a huge parcel of land that this house is smack bang in the middle of, started chopped it up into little blocks and is making millions off it. So why would they care if some old building faded away to nothing?

I don't really care that the local kids are trashing the joint, it's more that somebody thought that this house was a throw away item. I've seen dozens of these, either resumed by developers waiting to make their next fiscal killing or the government that has planned a road/infrastructure then left to sit idle for 2 years while they appease everyone involved, yet you can always switch on the news or pick up the paper and read about someone doing it tough. I'm not talking people that point blame for every problem away from themselves, yet won't take any responsibility for their actions to right their woes.. More the families that are in genuine need, that need for a hand up not a hand out. Why can't these places be used for short/medium term accommodation while they find their way again instead of just becoming another eyesore?

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Day 11 - Unknown by night

I guess this about my 5th visit to this site and I've still got no idea what this building would have been used for.. At a guess I'd say it some sort of early communications but I'm not sure. I've e-mailed someone I found that lives close by, maybe they will be able to fill in some more pieces to the puzzle.

Older shots here, here & here

Friday, September 10, 2010

Day 10 - All the fun of the fair

Roll up, roll up... Judging by all the glum faces of the 'carny folk' that I saw tonight it must have been slim pickins' at the opening night of the 134th Beenleigh Show. I got there about 7pm and managed to catch Robbie Dunn aka the singing chef, a few laps of the exhilarating rideon lawn mower racing, Beppos circus show & about $75 dollars worth of fireworks.. And all this for only $15.

I think this lady summed up the whole event quite nicely.

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Day 9 - Call someone who cares

Didn't get out of bed until 4 this afternoon.. boo hoo woe is me.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Day 8 - Work till it's done

So I was outta of ideas and just about to give up for the day when this huge 'Haul out' came barrelling down the road in the opposite direction. I got some shots of Ray? emptying out the freshly cut sugar cane into the large bins. After he was done I followed him up to where they were cutting, did the usual "G'day I'm Matt, photographer etc blah so on & so forth"

I was shooting this scene with the last few inches of sun and was not happy with the results at all, so I hung around for another 45 minutes till it was dark.. Standing in a field, heavy machinery running back & forth. The first arm that you see is cutting the green leafy part off the top of the cane, then it goes in thru the cutters in the front then over into the back of the haul out driving next to the harvester via a conveyor belt. Also here, here & here.

This is my favourite photo so far.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Day 7 - An unhappy local

After yesterdays photo bringing up some unpleasant sentiment with a few of the locals, I was approached by this shadowy figure while chasing todays shot. While she didn't have much to say, I felt a great unease as she stood there, just staring straight thru me. I explained that meant no malice by bringing up the history that had been long forgotten and that tomorrow I would make it right...

Monday, September 6, 2010

Day 6 - Missed the Cut

I've poked around this site twice before and I could never figure out just what purpose this old timber batten shed would have had. It's got an old rusted winch bolted to the floor, with the wire braid cable still attached to a pulley up on the roof and a wide steel post attached to the end of it. If that was all there was in there I would have assumed that it was a workshop of some kind but it also has an old timber cattle shoot leading in thru the back, as well with what looks like what would have been a holding pen. The only thing I'd say it's held in the last 30 years would be that huge camphor laurel tree which is slowly taking over the building. After researching my new friend Carl, I now know what it was used for.....

This will teach me for knocking off work early.. I got there about an hour earlier than i should have and while the sun was still quite harsh, which shows in the way that I processed. I'm not overly impressed with today's efforts at all, but least I've got another 24 photos to make an improvement.

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Day 5 - Here lived Carl

After yesterdays shoot and researching Carl, I tracked down the address of the sugar mill that was left to him by his late father. Records say that they built between 1880-1920 and this was the base of the chimney stack, which is about the only original thing left on the site.

Weather has been totally miserable here all day but I wanted this shot to follow on from yesterdays find. After trekking thru the kneehigh wet grass, setting up the flash from the right and mucking around with the camera to get the brickwork exposed, but keeping the sky nice and dark to reflect the weather I think I got it right. Ended up soaking wet.

Friday, September 3, 2010

Day 4 - Here lies Carl

OBITUARY, dated Thursday 2 February 1928.

Mr. Carl Friedrich Wilhelm Rehfeldt, a highly respected resident of Alberton, died at his residence last Sunday week after an illness of six months' duration. Deceased, who was one of the sugar pioneers of the district, was 71 years of age. His father, the late Mr. Carl Rehfeldt, died 16 years ago, and left deceased an up-to-date little sugar mill at Alberton. His father was the first man in the two districts who ventured into the sugar industry with white labour. The deceased was born in Gunterberg, Prussia, and arrived in Moreton Bay with his parents on January 18, 1861, in the Sussane Goddefroy. He survived by his widow, three sons, two daughters, and 10 grandchildren. His funeral, which was a large and representative one, took place to the Alberton cemetery. The Rev. George IT, Hobbs (St. George's Church of England) conducted the burial service.

Day 3 - Dorothy isn't getting her bond back

This is the first house/building where I started "Jumping Fences" to explore more off the beaten track and expand my photography. Looking thru my old photos I originally visited here back in July '06 and have lost count of how many times I've been back here and a few of my W1K entries have been shot within 100 metres (300feet) of this building. Not my best capture of the old girl which looks worse and worse every time I go back, but I only did a morning shoot... So here is my pic for today.

Older pic here

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Day 2 - Diesel & Dust

Young lady driving the family tractor in the late afternoon sun.

Thanks to Ashleigh Skopp for allowing me to take this photo.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Day 1 - 5th & 6th Gen

I've been waiting on shooting a sugar cane fire for the last 12 months and it all came together today. After about 3 weeks of delays due to rain, it finally happened.

Big thanks for Ian & Mick Herse for giving me their time to share some family history and allowing me to take this photo.

Thursday, August 19, 2010

30 Day Challenge Map

View Sept 2010 30 Day Photo Challenge in a larger map

My 30DC is called "Between A and B", where every photo will be taken between my 44 kilometer (27 mile) trek between home and work. I'll be mapping out my photos to share my favorite local photography spots that I have found over the last 6 years of my daily commute.

Friday, August 13, 2010

Well halfway hey?

Little Miss just doesn't want me to finish this thing, so I'll have to just leave it there. Mum is having her first day out since Ella was born, and I don't know how she can do what she does.. Day in, day out. Hats off to ya Leis, You're awesome!!

Let hope the up coming 30 day event goes better ;)

2pm - 12 Hour Challenge - Dad Life

1pm - 12 Hour Challenge - Dad Life

12pm - 12 Hour Challenge - Dad Life

11am - 12 Hour Challenge - Dad Life

10am - 12 Hour Challenge - Dad Life

9am - 12 Hour Challenge - Dad Life