Sorry about todays average effort... started my new job today and have completely ran outta time
These are my attempts at Worth1000's various photography challenges. This time 'round it's called "Between A and B". Every photo will be taken somewhere along the 44 kilometre (27 mile) commute between home and work for the 30 days of September 2010.
Average?! Those colours are stunning!
Hey, with one hand tied behind your back, it's still a great shot. Very nice.
I think the colors are incredible. But what I like more than that is the really cool texture in the flames. Its hard to see small but when clicked on the great texture really is visible. If this is your average job you really are going to have a lot to live up to for tomorrow. :)
Another great shot. Good luck with the job.
Average Effort?!?!? It's AWESOME. Nice idea, nice angle, nice colours. Just really nice, really!
oh lovely blue and abstracty ... very nice
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