OBITUARY, dated Thursday 2 February 1928.
Mr. Carl Friedrich Wilhelm Rehfeldt, a highly respected resident of Alberton, died at his residence last Sunday week after an illness of six months' duration. Deceased, who was one of the sugar pioneers of the district, was 71 years of age. His father, the late Mr. Carl Rehfeldt, died 16 years ago, and left deceased an up-to-date little sugar mill at Alberton. His father was the first man in the two districts who ventured into the sugar industry with white labour. The deceased was born in Gunterberg, Prussia, and arrived in Moreton Bay with his parents on January 18, 1861, in the Sussane Goddefroy. He survived by his widow, three sons, two daughters, and 10 grandchildren. His funeral, which was a large and representative one, took place to the Alberton cemetery. The Rev. George IT, Hobbs (St. George's Church of England) conducted the burial service.